The Catholic Church is the communion of 23 sui iuris Churches - Latin Church and 22 Eastern (Oriental) Catholic Churches. The Syro-Malabar Church is the second largest Eastern Catholic Church having the Major Archbishop as its father and head. The Syro-Malabar Church, with its deep-rooted spirituality and high rate of vocations to priesthood and religious life, can be considered as the most vibrant Catholic community in the world.
Jesus urges all to ask the Lord of the harvest to send out labourers into His harvest, because the harvest is plentiful, but the labourers are few. (Mt 9: 37-38). The Syro-Malabar Church continues to pray and work for the same through identifying and encouraging Vocations to priesthood and religious life which occupies great priority in the ministry and life of the Church. Since the task of fostering vocations, which must be solicitous for the needs of the ministry of the whole Church, belongs to the whole Christian community (CCEO c. 329) and the particular law is to provide for instituting projects for promoting vocations in all Churches (CCEO c. 329 §2), the Code of Particular Law of the Syro-Malabar Church intended that “there shall be a Major Archiepiscopal Commission for promoting vocations in the Syro-Malabar Church” (CPLSMC, art. 33 §1). Accordingly, as per the decision of the Synod of Bishops (Session 2 of XXII Synod, 2-19 August 2014), the Major Archbishop constituted the Major Archiepiscopal Commission for Vocation which functions as an inspirational organ of the Church through coordinating and giving directives to the activities on behalf of the vocation promotion in the entire Syro-Malabar Church.sssssssssssssss